Scarlet Macaw, photo by Amy Leist
Scarlet Macaw

Your bird and nature sightings on the Costa Rican Bird Route are as important for you as they are for us.

One reason we take such an interest is so that the landowners of the Bird Route sites can keep track of wildlife seen on their property. Your reports also keep other birders informed of recent bird activity, helping them plan their own trip. So we encourage you to report what you see on our Trip Reports page.

The other reason that we value your bird sightings is because this data is useful to science. By submitting your lists to the electronic database eBird, you can help build the foundation for a better understanding of bird distribution across the western hemisphere and beyond. Click here for more information on entering your observations into this electronic database.

The official Costa Rican Bird Route list has 520 bird species. How many will you see?

© 2010 Costa Rican Bird Route | Website by Jennifer Davis Web Design